Enbridge is an energy delivery company based in Calgary, Alberta and one of its main value propositions in its business model involve the quick transportation and distribution of crude and natural oil. The company has been battling for the approval of their $5.5 billion Northern Gateway Pipeline contract, but things have only gotten tougher over the recent years for the oil transportation giant.

In fact, about two months ago, multiple BC First Nations groups filed court cases against Enbridge over the endless feud regarding the Northern Gateway pipeline. Among the multiple groups was the Gitga’at First Nation; a group who claimed that about 7500 square feet of their ancestral land would be taken up by the Enbridge tankers. This claim is much like the one in the readings that was made by the Tsilhogoti’n group. The major concern deals with the fact that the oil can leak out of the pipelines and pollute their traditional lands.

These claims made by the BC First Nations groups are extreme external factors that have affected the business model of Enbridge greatly. After all, due to these legal cases, Enbridge must now make sure that the safe transportation of oil through their pipeline is one of their top values. We know that in order for a product to be safer, the speed and quickness must be compromised, which are two of the strong points in Enbridge’s business model. The pressure from the BC First Nations is responsible for Enbridge having to make this change, therefore showing how critical external factors can be to the business model of any company.


Works Cited

 Hoekstra, Gordon. “There Will Be No Pipeline.” Www.vancouversun.com. N.p., 16 Aug. 2014. Web. 06           Oct. 2014. <http://www.vancouversun.com/news/There%2Bwill%2Bpipeline/10122968/story.html>. 

Stueck, Wendy. “B.C. First Nations Challenge Northern Gateway Pipeline in New Court Action.” The           Globe and Mail. N.p., 14 July 2014. Web. 06 Oct. 2014.           <http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/first-nations-challenge-northern-gateway-          pipeline-in-new-court-action/article19608617/>.

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