Culture Jamming

My culture jammed edit of the original Canada Goose advertisement, expresses fashion without compassion. To educate the public on the suffering behind the animals and the rapid expansion of the company. The company documents fur trapping as humane, “We never purchase from fur farms, never use fur from endangered animals, and only purchase fur from licensed trappers.” Coyotes who become trapped in the leg-hold trap, die trying to save themselves from freezing and starving to death in the wilderness. The Canada Goose fur policy, does not demonstrate the intention on informing the public about fur, rather misinforms based on the fact there is no way a consumer can prove whether the animal suffered a painful or peaceful death. Due to the high demand from many celebrities, fur has become the most “cool” and “prestige” choice driving this trend to skyrocket. Originally, the jackets sole purpose was to be a functional brand but now it seen to be most desirable among the most elite members around the world. The idea behind my culture jam was to express the importance of education and knowledge. We live in a society where we are driven by trends that would get us noticed, yet no little information about the brand. There’s cruelty inside each jacket, yet we become distracted with images from Kate Upton posing on a Sports Illustrated magazine, and now suddenly splurge $600 on a jacket and abandon the concern for the origin of the fur. We need to understand that fur is not our only option when having to brave one of the coldest winters, companies such as North Face have created synthetic technology to replace the use of down; while still offering the same motive, staying warm.