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Entries from September 2012

cool sources (week 2)

September 30th, 2012 No Comments

1. a webstit for technical anlysis. Maybe we can apply some of the skills in it. 2. Famous ICE, we can’t trading without knowing this! 3. real canada agricultural commodity price figure.


analysis of corn week2

September 30th, 2012 4 Comments

This week, I decide to go corn, to try something different. But I will keep an eye on soybean (which by lucky, I got some profit out of it). Since its market is so fluctuated, if you lose big, you can also win big.  In the coming week, I will go long on soybean base […]


a scapler’s first shot week1

September 23rd, 2012 3 Comments

The commodity I choose for the first time transaction is soybean.  I expect a sudden collapse in a recent period in future market hence I went short for a short run speculation. For fundamental analysis there are four aspects I concerned with: supply, demand, stock and policy. From supply respective: three major soybean produce country […]


reasones of Northern gateway pipelines rise the crude oil for canadian refiners

September 10th, 2012 No Comments

According to the interview in the radio and information gathered, crude oil price could increase for combined reasons. First, the purpose of North gateway pipeline is to take advantage of Asia premium and to sell crude oil to Asia market[i]. Obviously, Company is more willing to shipping oil to Asia rather than sell domestic. Less […]


Hello world!

September 9th, 2012 1 Comment

Welcome to UBC Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
