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Entries from February 2013

Carbon Emission Control Policies in California (RPS and Cap for example)

February 7th, 2013 3 Comments

  California, as one of the pioneers in reducing carbon emission which has panels of ambitious policies to reduce the carbon dioxide in this world. Back in 2002, California has set up California air resource board to prepare the system of protecting the air. And finally in 2006, the government of California has been able […]


India and China expected to double their emission in 2030

February 5th, 2013 2 Comments

We all knows that China and India are leading the economic growth speed in the world, without surprise, they are also leading the emission of CO2. Beforehand, US and UK are the leading parts of carbon emission in the world, but now they are more like supporting part, quoted from author.   China is the […]
