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India and China expected to double their emission in 2030

February 5th, 2013 by amberzhang

We all knows that China and India are leading the economic growth speed in the world, without surprise, they are also leading the emission of CO2. Beforehand, US and UK are the leading parts of carbon emission in the world, but now they are more like supporting part, quoted from author.


China is the greatest emitter in the world, and india, account for 83% of emission growth from 2010-2011. However, another article mentioned that not until 2030, china’s emission will continue to rise, even with ambitious air policies. And the amount is equal to the total amount of world carbon emission today.  Base on that, we can imagine the situation in India and imagine the situation for the world.


Green house phenomenon brings greater damage to developing countries than developed countries, since develop countries are more affordable to have pollution treatment. In the meanwhile, developing countries are so obsessed with economic growth and competi


But, when come across the topic which has been discussed for so long: who are going to take the major responsibilities to reduce the emission in the future, meaning, the major cost. There are too many obstacles for those developing countries, according to research, if india and china are going to reduce 30% of emission, their output will reduce by 6~7% and export amount is more than that, which is unbearable.


But there’s no compromise for the world. If to be fair, letting developing countries emits the same amount as developed countries used to do, it just become another disaster.

Those above topics are covered in a book named Greenprint: A New Approach to Cooperation on Climate Change. and support with rich data analysis and research.  I found it are so relate to our course and so interesting, hence I recommend to everyone here. Anyway, I am going to buy it on amazon. J





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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 jessicacai Mar 19, 2013 at 6:29 pm

    Hi, Amber,from ur article,we can know China faces a very terrible situation about CO2 emission,it will be hinder development of China,is there any policy to try to solve this problem in China?

  • 2 amberzhang Mar 19, 2013 at 11:19 pm

    so far, china is only planning on have green tax. planning 你懂的