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what went right/ wrong week2

October 8th, 2012 by amberzhang

last week i went long on corn of 4 contracts, hoped that the corn would have a surge on the  beginnign of last week (base on a information last last friday, i assumed nobody has reponsed to it).  What i went wrong is that  i inaccurately estimated the speed of market response.  Any information, as long as its last day’s, there is no need for you  to reponse to it today.

what i did right is that i stopped loss in a quick way.  The following trends in the week turn out i was i right. If not so, i would have been perfectly dead. now the price is 740!~At the same time i closed the long contracts on corn, i went long for corn only one contract ( test of water).It turned out also right. This morning i closed the transaction ( though don’t know when the system will excute), the current price is $740, however, if i can close it at $748, i can make a gain of :Not so much gain, but compare to loss, it’s better, isn’t it?


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