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Entries Tagged as 'Uncategorized'

London Congestion Charge

March 22nd, 2013 No Comments

London congestion charge London’s traffic system has a notorious fame around the world. But can merely rely on the economic theory to charge on the congestion problem can solve it? Normally, the economic theory can only applied in the optimal situations; any externalities or uncontrolled factors could ruin the idea. However, there are more than […]


policy brief on Chinese rice minimum purchasing price

March 19th, 2013 6 Comments

Policy brief On Chinese government’s purchasing policy of rice in 2012   For decades, china is the biggest rice producer, exporter and consumer in the world, now became an big importer in 2012. China has net import record of rice for four times in the past 50 years. 2011, china imported 575,000 tons of rice, […]


landfill tax in UK

March 8th, 2013 6 Comments

I found landfill tax would be very interesting and necessary for the society. In UK threw away a staggering 22.6 million tons of rubbish in 2004/5; in fact, Britain sent the same amount to landfill as the 18 EU countries with the lowest landfill rates combined, despite these places having twice the population of the […]


Carbon Emission Control Policies in California (RPS and Cap for example)

February 7th, 2013 3 Comments

  California, as one of the pioneers in reducing carbon emission which has panels of ambitious policies to reduce the carbon dioxide in this world. Back in 2002, California has set up California air resource board to prepare the system of protecting the air. And finally in 2006, the government of California has been able […]


India and China expected to double their emission in 2030

February 5th, 2013 2 Comments

We all knows that China and India are leading the economic growth speed in the world, without surprise, they are also leading the emission of CO2. Beforehand, US and UK are the leading parts of carbon emission in the world, but now they are more like supporting part, quoted from author.   China is the […]


Beijing Air Pollution

January 28th, 2013 12 Comments

Bejing now is going through a war with its air which has kept a horrifying AQI (air quality index) since one month ago. Any reading exceeding index of 100 is regard as unhealthy for sensitive groups. However, Beijing even got a record of 785 which always has a steady performance of over 500. The most […]


what went right/wrong week 8

November 23rd, 2012 No Comments

one day i wake up, found the soybean market was falling apart, i quickly closed those contracts. result loss for the first three contracts. then the following 3 long contracts were due to system error. i transacted three contrac without my order. then, i went long on wheat, but it turn out  delcining, to stop […]


cool source ( week 8)

November 23rd, 2012 No Comments

1. CNN MONEY.  not a good site for first hand information, but it’s good to learn anlytical skills   2. A big website that you can find all agricultural news and reports here.


the road ahead week 8

November 23rd, 2012 No Comments

  The road ahead (week8) Last week is a big mess. I lost several thousand because of delayed action. And the system has gone long for me, when the market was lashing and goes short for me at the market lowest price ever. Soybean has decreased from 1500 plus to below 1400. The reason for […]


cool sources( week 7)

November 3rd, 2012 No Comments

1.Open blog blogs from CME group. Blogs from expertises are not always bible, but their thinking pattern and analysis apporach can inspire you. And also those blogs can help us rise a good sense to the market. 2. Agremongy Another good website which has latest information of commodity market. 3. Risks Associated With Investing […]
