Indigenous Voices|Information Studies| More than Tea and Bannock

Nice to Meet You

A little about me…

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I became a Bae about 4 years ago. Way before Pharrell even had those words cross his lips. I am thankful for the support of my husband through my studies because working full time and doing school most evenings and weekends leaves very little time for us but we manage.

I currently work at UBC as the Strategist for Indigenous Initiatives at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. I love my work and it is very closely tied to my own identity as a Métis person. I remember in our first class we talked about our use of social media, our identities and how we opt in, protect and regulate how much of them we would like shared out in the public realm. I have been thinking about that quite a bit in my work and that is one of my interests I would like to explore in this course.

In one of the courses I took recently my classmate and I explored blended learning modules that would support student engagement around Indigenous issues. I think that in order to better understand how to develop these it is important to have a grasp on ways that identities are represented in online environments and how this can shape the learning environment particularly around issues of Indigeneity.

I am also keen to delve into the ways that social media facilitates our interactions with one another particularly around the exploration of intersectionality of identities, territories and place. In my own networks I have seen how social media facilitates social action; particularly around land rights, resource development and self determination. I hope to gain a familiarity with alternate forms of social media in order to be more active in my own communities as well as serving Indigenous youth in the future. I also kind of want to find my own voice too…




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