Zara: A Proud Supporter of Going “Green”

Founded in 1975, Zara is a Spanish clothing retailer that operates 1770 stores across the globe. Its goal is to transform all its stores into eco-efficient stores and earn a golden LEED award in doing so which acknowledges the world’s “greenest” buildings. Of the 1770 stores, approximately 1300 have been renovated or built to satisfy Zara’s desire to be eco-efficient. The transformation has already reduced Zara’s operating costs on electricity (down 30%) and water (down 50%). In addition, “furnishings [in many stores] are made of eco-qualified wood or re-cycled materials” which further shows consumers that Zara cares for the environment. Zara has currently spent over one billion dollars towards this project.

I believe that Zara’s move reflects its knowledge and desires to fulfill the changing attitudes of society. Knowing what consumers want and how to delivery this “want” has allowed Zara to remain in the clothing industry and profit throughout the years. Other companies should consider following Zara’s footprints as sustainability and awareness of the environment have become a popular topic of discussion and action in the past decade. However, some of these companies simply do not have the financial support and power that Zara has.

Zara emphasizes that it gives consumers “accurate fashion” and not “fast fashion” and this motto is supported through its actions to create more environmentally friendly stores. I have been a loyal shopper of Zara clothing – half of my closet is from Zara – and its decisions to become more environmentally involved will encourage me to shop there more often. Support a company who cares for the betterment of society and not just one who wants to earn a profit!


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