Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ethical Marketing

So today in class we discussed ethical marketing. Elaine showed us a video about downsizing and how companies are doing it so that consumers don’t notice the difference and companies charge the same price for the same product but with a lower quantity. Personally I actually do look at the labels and tend to notice if there is a difference between products. I wouldn’t say this is completely unethical because the amounts are on there, like they are suppose to be and its up to you whether or not you actually look at them. I’m thinking that if they did not lower the quantity and keep the same price, it would just end up the same quantity but with a higher price which is pretty much the same thing.

For those that were not in class today, just a heads up if you’re reading this, Elaine said there will be a question about this on the final, so ask your friends that did attend class for details on the video. It was quite entertaining.

April Fools

Apparently around this time, different companies come up with fake products and actually advertise them to the public. Just browsing through AdFreak I came across this post mentioning all the different companies that participated in the April Fool’s day antics. In the case with Gmail Motion, that was pretty amazing and it’d be really cool if it did exhisted. Maybe in the future an technology continues to take over the world

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I think this is a great way for serious companies to advertise in a creative way that could possibly lead to innovation. But then again if someting seems too good to be true it probably is.

To Package or Not to Package…

Well….what are the benefits to packaging. I’m sure there’s a lot, but one of the biggest negatives to packaging, I would say, is waste. I know there are a lot of packages that are recyclable but lets face it, most are thrown out, especially when it comes to food packages. 

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   So I was just browsing through AdFreak when I stumbled upon this ad which I thought was ridiculous and pretty darn funny. With the green trend emerging you would think that companies are taking steps towards more environmentally friendly initiatives. Check it out…just when you thought it couldn’t get any better…  
I would have to agree when AdFreak states “Even if true, convincing people that Del Monte itself hasn’t gone bananas will be a challenge” As if the banana’s own peel is not enough of a package. The peel is probably the best package. It is compost-able, its identifiable (you can tell it’s a banana when you see it), and keeps the product safe. No one ever eats the peel, well no one I ever met, so what’s the point. If it were an apple I suppose I might understand but bananas… seriously.

Why so Famous?

I could not decide on what to write about this week, and while I was reading through my classmates blog, I came across Ruth’s blog about Justin Beiber. I totally agree with Ruth, I’m not crazy about JB but I just don’t seem to get why people hate him so much. Jealousy…? I dont know. For me, I think the real reason why JB is as famous as he is, is because of his marketing team. They probably worked really hard to get his name out there. Word of mouth was a huge part, I know I didn’t hear about him until a friend mentioned his name. Kind of the same reason Rebecca Black’s Friday is so popular. The song is not that great and seems really autotuned but the youtube video has millions of views. You can get ringtones of the song now, download it, hear it on the radio, its insane how a song that bad can get so popular. When I first heard the song, I could not listen to it fully but you got to admit, it is pretty catchy.

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So at the beginning of class this term, Elaine mentioned something about the book Buyology byMartin Lindstom. Just the title “the truths and lies about why we buy” caught my interest, probably because I don’t think im like the regular consumer. Anyways, I did go to the library to borrow this book, and I only got through the first 20 pages or so. The beginning was really interesting. It talked about cigarettes and smoking and how even though cigarette company’s put warning labels on thier packages makes people want to smoke more. People actually acknowledge the warning and when asked they would say that it makes them want to not smoke but the truth is that the label triggers something in the persons brain making them want it more. Who would’ve thought. I was really surpised by that. I’m really curious to learn more so definitly going to finish the book over the summer and possible take comm 362 buy behaviour just to learn more. I’m not a big fan of marketing but this has got to be my favourite part, learning about consumer behaviour.

Starbucks New Logo

Lately there has been alot of talk about the drastic change to Starbuck’s new logo.  Personally, I think the new logo is not as attactive as their previous one and reading Josh’s blog about whether it matters or not, i’d have to agree and say that it does. I’m sure that thier coffee has not change along with the exceptional personalized customer service and that they are expanding their product line but I don’t think they should’ve taken the whole border out. It kind of looks like a whole new logo. It probably would’ve looked way better if they just took out the coffee part. Definitely a risky move by starbucks but it could be better for the future of the company. Starbucks has a strong brand built on that logo and it wasn’t a complete change, and the logo is still recognizable.

What the Heck… SODA-POT?


So apparrently now there is a new drink to come out in the United States that combines the great taste of soda pop with the THC of Marijuana. This, I thought was kind of insane because seriously, do we really need this? The names of the soda, I’d have to admit were really creative.   Doc Weed, Sour Diesel, Orange Kush, Grape Ape and Canna Cola.  Although the soda’s are to be sold at medical-marijuana dispensaries, is the drink only for medical use? According to U.S. laws, it is but its hard to say. The branding and logos seem to target a wide range of consumers. With a slogan like “Just say yes”  along with creative labels, the product targets more than just those with a medical prescription. In my opinion this product targets any consumer of soda pop which is pretty much everyone, from young children to adults. Marijuana was originally for medical purposes but now it is possible for anyone to obtain it, if you have the money and know the right people. So whats to stop this product from being sold to anyone in the future? I would say nothing but you never know.

Wal-Mart’s Health Kick

With the growing trend of healthy living, many consumers are focused on healthier foods and physical activities. But as we all know, healthy foods cost more than their cheaper alternatives. This could be quite difficult for those who live on a budget and cant afford to go healthy, forcing them to make a decision between good food or food that’s good for you.

Wal-Mart, one US’ biggest retailers, has decided to take advantage of the current opportunity and go on a strategic health kick. From a consumer’s perspective Wal-Mart seems to be focused on convenience, low prices and exceptional customer service, with its in-store greeters and one stop shopping but nowadays what store doesn’t. Wal-Mart need to differentiate itself a little better, which is why in my opinion the idea of healthier options is pretty genius considering they are very little stores that offer healthy foods at lower prices.
“No family should have to choose between food that is healthier for them and food they can afford,” as said by Bill Simon, president and CEO of Wal-Mart’s U.S. division.

Wal-Mart plans to promote a healthier and less expensive food options within their stores. But what about location? Being fairly large it would be difficult to Wal-Mart to locate itself in a convenient area for all. Well, Wal-Mart has thought of that and decided to take advantage of the opportunity and open up stores in poor areas that don’t have grocery stores. Wal-Mart’s move to healthier options could potentially have a huge effect on its customers and competitors.

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