Everyone loves a doughnut…or two

It is always promising to see students who were once sitting in the same seat as me, receiving the same life changing knowledge, from the same business school that I am currently attending, using the information they learned to conduct business in a dynamic way. When people think about doughnuts what initially comes to mind?  The typical answers tend to include Tim Horton’s or Krispy Kreme. One member of Sauder’s 2010 graduating MBA class decided to put his entrepreneurial skills to the test, to follow his dream of operating and owning a doughnut shop http://cartems.com/the-cartems-story/ . You can find Jordan Cash and Cartems Donuterie on 534 W Pender Street in Vancouver. Striving to set himself apart from the generic doughnut establishment, Jordan has focused on points of difference such as local ingredients and healthy alternatives. Healthy alternatives?

Rarely are those words associated with a doughnut but Cartems offers a vegan, gluten free selection in addition to the more traditional (less healthy) style.  Setting realistic goals in terms of growth is something to admire. Currently, Cartems Donuterie is working on elaborating on their current business model and adding a delivery service which I feel exposes them to a whole new market (weddings, birthday parties, large events.)


1 thought on “Everyone loves a doughnut…or two

  1. Pingback: Cartems Donuterie – an impressive blog Post I came across | bcfoodieblogger

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