Noland Watson —the way to success

The CEO of Sandstorm, Nolan Watson, video chatted with us from Singapore earlier today. He told us his experience in the business world, and how he started his now one of the most profitable companies–Sandstrom Gold. I am greatly inspired by his experience and his words.


Graduated with an accounting degree in Sauder, Nolan started off in Deloitte and became the youngest CFO in Silver Wheaton at the age of 26. Always wanted to start his own business, Noland quitted his job in 2008 and started Sandstorm Resources. He then talked to us about the challenges and difficulties the company has to deal with alone the way.


The video chat with Nolan gave me great inspiration. The most important lesson I learnt was “never give up”.  Starting a business can be hard, but as long as you have faith and keep on fighting for what you want, you will succeed eventually. Nolan also inspired me to go around when solving a problem. When the financial crisis in 2008 affected the trust between the banks and the company, Noland went around raising money from the rich. From Nolan’s hiring policy, I learnt that we need to be good at what we are currently doing to get better opportunities.


One response to “Noland Watson —the way to success

  1. namdo

    I liked him too! Never give up and you’ll succeed indeed.

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