RE: Intense leadership style

I found Nam Do’s blog post on “Intense Leadership Style” to be very interesting. He discussed whether yelling a good way to increase the efficiency in big companies.

Yelling at employees may seem like an extreme way to manage the company. However, if managers yell only to show his great passion for the business instead of humiliating and demeaning people, then it is acceptable and may even affect the company in a positive way.

There are many different leadership styles due to the managers’ personalities. One can be smooth and persuasive, or passionate and determinate. As for me, I would chose to be with someone that is enthusiasm and have great influence on other people by the way he does his work and the way he talks. I believe self-motivated managers are those who are personally successful and also motivate the people around them. Yelling, as mentioned in Nam’s post,  is one of the most direct ways of showing the leader’s passion and power. Power is the greatest motivator. The followers can have a better understanding of what they are expected to do more clearly. They are more motivated by passionate speaker than those who give long boring lectures.


Harvard Business Review: Is it OK to Yell at Your Employees?

Toostep: Does a boss have the right to yell at his employees?



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