Letter of Application

2200 University Blvd
Vancouver BC, V6T 1Z1

January 23, 2023

University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Attention: ENGL 301 Classmates

Subject: Applying to a writing team

I am writing to apply to a professional writing team for ENGL 301 this semester. I am a 5th year Biotechnology student at the University of British Columbia with professional interests in naturopathic medicine and the biotechnology industry. I believe that my background in research and previous professional experiences would make me an excellent candidate for your writing team.

During my previous co-op placements at BCIT Centre of Applied Research and Innovation, Xenon Pharmaceuticals, and Nanovation Therapeutics, I cultivated strong verbal and written communication skills. The completion of over six research projects provided me experience with giving presentations, and writing emails, proposals, data summaries, and formal reports, including a 145-page scientific report. To find these placements, I wrote over 40 resumes and cover letters. I am also skilled at working both independently and collaboratively in a team from my experience in the lab. Additionally, my role as VP of Student Life of the UBC-BCIT Biotechnology club has helped me sharpen my time management and organizational skills. My responsibilities include planning and organizing social and networking events, such as the annual Biotechnology Networking Night. I am reliable, easy to reach, and capable of always meeting deadlines.

Overall, I am a hardworking and easygoing individual who is excited to collaborate with other students. My learning philosophy is that improvement comes with practice and patience and that learning is much more fun with the support of others. I believe that to be a valuable team member, it is important to actively listen to your peers and respect your classmates’ opinions. If you are interested in forming a team, please contact me at angiezhou6@hotmail.com or through the Canvas chat. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.


Angie Zhou

Encl. Angie’s Application Letter

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