3D Printing technology

Recently, I have read Yan Kai Ng’s blog post on 3D printing technology.

This century in which we are living in, may be referred as technology era. From smartphones and tablets to 3D technologies, our knowledge on technology has been drastically improved with age, and technologies became one of the necessities that we need in our lives. And now, it is the beginning era of 3D printing.

I found it very fascinating that 3D printing has recently progressed from just printing plastic to being able to print more complex structures and even organic materials. It is amazing how researchers came to the point where they can even “print” human organs and skin to increase recovery rates of wounded patients. This is like what I saw in science fiction books or movies, and it has become a real thing?

I have also read a post about 3D printing technology on TEDTalks the other day, and it is unbelievable how and what humans can do now with this printing technology, and how much economic potential the 3D prints have. Here are some revolutionary visions of 3D printed future from Bastian Schaefer:

1. Rocket parts. Currently, NASA is working on the largest rocket constructed project, which is taking humans to Mars by 2030. By creating a single seamless 3D printed piece has reduced chance for leakage. Using 3D printed technology also has cut down the cost of manufacturing by almost half.

2. Guns. In 2012, Marc Goodman talked about the effects of new technologies like 3D printing. He pondered those technologies would have on crime by proposing a scary scenario: cheap guns and bullets that can be printed by anyone. A year later, Defense Distributed founder Cody Wilson has actually created and shot the first 3D printed handgun, and up until a several months ago, blueprints were available on his website.

3. Meat and leather. The US startup Modern Meadow has been working on creating meat and leather products without killing animals. By using stem-cell samples taken from a biopsy, the cell is cultured until it is multiplied.Then those hundreds of live cells are printed in a bioink form, and the cells form living tissue. This is just too ridiculous to me.

Besides these three 3D printing future I have mentioned, there are more fascinating situations such as 3D fashion, 3D house and 3D eatable food. So, if you are interested to see more, follow the link I attached! It is quite shocking but funny in some way.




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