QR (Quick Response) Codes

We’ve seen them on Skytrain platforms or just hanging out at the mall. The tiny square with smaller squares inside that is located in some corner of the advertisements. What I’m talking about are QR Codes.

QR Code (Wikipedia Mobile Page)

Originally designed by Toyota’s Denso Wave to track the vehicle manufacturing process, in 1994, have now become what companies use as part of their marketing campaign.

At the time of production, Denso Wave created a new product, the QR Code. It was capable of “storing more information” and took up less space than barcodes.

In the age of smartphones, Denso Wave have created a new market, the advertising firms targeting smartphone users. These firms recognized the effectiveness of allowing a customer to simply scan a code with their smartphone; both parties gains valuable information over the Internet through its use.

By entering a new market, the company runs the risk of having its product be ‘rejected’ by its customers.

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