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McDonald, the leading fast food chain in the world recently announced the addition of calories to their menus in the USA. “We’ve grown used to seeing McDonald’s weather bad economies” says Larry Miller but according to this article, in July, McDonald’s sales were flat for once since 2003.I believe it is a strategy to avoid any future lawsuits from young consumers such as in 2002, leading to a slightly healthier image for the company. This additional step would lead other chains to follow in its path, allowing more consumers to be aware of what they are consuming. In terms of business ethics, we as consumers have the rights to know what we are putting in our body and what we are giving our children. I believe that the sales and customers will drop depending on the audience, for a student like me, it wouldn’t matter as I’m constantly looking for a quick and convenient meal; but as someone who watches their intake of calories, they make look for an alternative.


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