Anton Røthe


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Food & Sports!

March 8th, 2011 by antonroethe

When the sun finally shines after a long dark winter, Norwegians love to be outside playing sports and eating hot dogs grilled on a disposible barbeque in a bun. Gilde, a large distributor of meat and hot dogs made this commercial and related the fun of sports to have in a great sausage in a bun.

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It uses humour and a catchy tune and I therefore remembered this commercial from two years ago and found it right away. That tells me that they have created a very successful commercial and when the Nation Norwegian Handball team was on a winning streak and won the world championship, Gilde got the team and made this.

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This brought the Norwegian pride to life and instantaniously i crave a hot dog. Here are 2 commercials with a similar aspect, combining a tasty chockolate with the outdoorsie Norwgian culture.

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