Hello Reader!

Welcome to my Web Folio! This folio serves to showcase the technical writing skills that I have amassed during my time in ENGL 301. I have hand-picked some of my favourite assignments and projects to present to my future employers or clients!

Please use the navigation bar above to toggle through the different pages of my portfolio and to get to know me a little!

This portfolio consists of:

  • An “About Me” section: a short introduction of myself
  • A blog: which includes reflections on this semester of ENGL 301
  • An online resume: an itemization of all my qualifications and experiences
  • An application package: that includes a cover letter, my resume, and requests for references
  • A page summarizing my best work.

Thank you for taking the time to read my web folio! Please reach out to me at anushka.nair3108@gmail.com if you have any questions.