LinkedIn Professional Networking Best Practices:

In this assignment, I researched the best practices regarding professional networking on LinkedIn. Professional networking on LinkedIn is a very important skill to possess as it can be used to develop your career by connecting with other professionals (both workers and employers) in your desired field. LinkedIn has made the process of networking and staying connected to your professional contacts much easier and because of its popularity, it has become impossible to avoid the platform. As I prepare to graduate, learning about the best practices has helped me understand the appropriate way to approach and impress potential employers.

Formal Report Proposal and Outline:

In this unit, I got to create a formal report proposal and the outline of its draft. The brainstorming process was difficult but rewarding. I knew I wanted to write and research something in my immediate local community but narrowing down on what exactly I should focus on was hard. I ended up focusing on the public library system and my local public library as they were a very important part of my life while growing up. After feedback from Dr. Peterson and the follow-up assignment of creating a progress memo, my report and my plan to achieve the final result are clear.  The report is progressing well and is on track with my research plan.

Peer Review:

I peer-reviewed a report proposal about the AMS Nest. As a current student at UBC,  I found this relevant and a very interesting topic. I realized that I had not noticed the issues regarding food allergen labels even though I have eaten at the Nest frequently throughout my years here. Reading this proposal helped me realize what I needed to change in my own proposal as well and the clear and concise writing helped me shape my own.

My partner also provided me with excellent and helpful feedback regarding my proposal. This helped me understand how the audience views my writing and I was able to see that my writing needed to be clearer in order to successfully convey the message to my audience. I took into account my partner’s criticism and incorporated the feedback into my revised proposal to the best of my ability. Through this process, I was able to clearly see what aspects of my writing need improvement and I will make a greater effort to avoid these types of mistakes in the future.

Revised Formal Proposal

Peer Review