Coming into this course, I honestly was not expecting much since my goal was to just finish my elective credits. But, this course has taught me more than I expected. The technical writing skills that I learned are so important and I know that I will use them for the rest of my professional career. In fact, since I was doing an internship while taking this course, I was able to directly apply these skills to all professional communication I took part in.  Learning to write with the YOU-attitude was also an asset since I am currently working in a marketing role and a certain part of my job is client-facing and therefore this tone of writing is quite fundamental.

When it comes to weaknesses, I have always struggled with my grammar. Through this course and by reading my peer’s work while doing the peer review has taught me what aspects of my writing I need to improve on. I have realised that if I keep practicing and revising my work, I will be able to be as close to perfect as I can possibly be. Another thing I struggled with was time management and meeting deadlines. Because I was doing so many different things at the same time, I wasn’t always submitting my assignments on time and this caused me a lot of unnecessary stress. I have now learned to manage my time in a more efficient way.

On the other hand, my strengths are mainly my ability to write clearly and concisely while achieving the main objectives of the given assignments. I was incredibly appreciative of all the feedback and kind words I received from my professor, who helped me improve my work and motivated me to keep striving for the best.

As the new term approaches, I am looking forward to my final year at university and to completing my degree. I wish I had taken this course sooner since these newly developed skills will definitely make all my course assignments so much easier. I am also in the process of applying for more part-time jobs or internships and all the technical writing will help me while I am searching and also make me stand out as a potential candidate. In these last few weeks of summer I hope that I can improve on my weaknesses and use my strengths to become a better student and employee.