This process of creating a Web Folio was quite fascinating. I have seen some impressive web folios across the internet, but I never thought that I would be making one for myself since I come from a scientific field of study and don’t have any artistic endeavours. It was quite satisfying to look through all the assignments that I have done during my time in the course and to see the progress I have made. With all the web folios I have seen, I appreciate the ones that keep their layout and navigation simple and straightforward, so I decided to model mine according to that. However, I wish I could have spent more time with the graphics and visual representation of the blog.

The most challenging aspect was the “Best Works” section. This section consists of all the revised versions of all the assignments I have done so far. Because I didn’t revise all the assignments right after I had received the peer-review feedback, it was hard getting all the work done.

This folio was incredibly fun and educational. I have realized that this is a great way to showcase my skills. With more time in the future, I hope to make a better one that satisfies my vision better.