First Draft of Technical Definition:

In this unit, I got the opportunity to write a definition of a technical term for a non-technical audience as well as review my peer’s definitions.  I wrote the parenthetical, sentence and expanded definition of the term “Search Engine Optimization” which is used in digital marketing.  This assignment helped me gain the vital skill of catering my writing to the intended audience and purpose. While writing my definitions, I was able to strengthen my organization skills in a way that my writing had an easy and logical flow. Since each definition type varied in detail, I was able to quickly identify in what situation I should use these definitions. For example, to suit the purpose and audience of this assignment, the best definition method is the expanded definition since it gives the readers important background information.

Peer Review:

In this part of the assignment, I was able to review my team member’s (Jessica’s) definition of the term attachment theory. By reading Jessica’s assignment I was able to note how well she was at explaining the term to me as someone who is not familiar with the field of psychology or her chosen term. This gave me an idea of how to approach my assignments in the future. There were some aspects of her assignment that needed refinement. For example, when formatting her work she could have moved her visual’s caption to below the visual with a smaller font so that her document would be easier to read. I also noted that some terms in her expanded definition could benefit from further clarification via a parenthetical definition to help readers who don’t have a psychology background. Providing Jessica with criticism also helped me note the reader’s perspective while viewing my own assignment and I believe it helped me strengthen my writing ability.

Revised Definition:

Jessica provided me with excellent and helpful feedback regarding my definition. She noted that I needed to provide more detail about the history of Search Engine Optimization to give the readers a better understanding of how important the practice is in the industry. She also noted that I should add a visual to support my definition. I took into account her criticism and incorporated her feedback into my revised definition to the best of my ability. Through this process, I was able to clearly see what aspects of my writing need improvement and I will make a greater effort to avoid these types of mistakes in the future.


Revised Definition

Peer Review