This unit involved writing the first draft of the formal report using the proposed topic from unit two. While writing the first draft, I extensively researched my topic and organized my collected data, from primary and secondary sources, in a way that was easy for my reader to understand. During this entire process, I learnt the correct way to format a formal report that has appropriate headings, and sub-headings and that uses the proper tone that will suit the intended reader. I also learnt how to adopt the you-attitude for formal reports so that my report is a positive read. However, gathering the data was a tough aspect of the process. I faced some challenges while collecting primary data with surveys since I had to find willing respondents and also find a big enough sample size to make sure that the data would make sense. I did however learn a lot about the library system in Singapore and the lasting effects of COVID 19 when conducting secondary research regarding my topic.



Formal Report DraftÂ