
Hello all, and welcome to my online presentation (for APBI 315) about animal welfare issues in horse racing!

I picked this topic because I have been an avid horseback rider for almost my whole life and I have a lot of love and respect for these incredible animals. I’ve never been involved in the horse racing industry but I have worked with a few ex-racehorses and horse racing always seems to be in the public eye, getting negative press. I wondered if the horse racing industry was really as bad as the media would have one believe, so the final term paper for APBI 315 gave me the perfect opportunity to check it out.

In this presentation, I will give a brief history of horse racing before diving right into the nitty-gritty issues: the main welfare problems the industry faces today, what (if anything) has been done to try and address these problems, and what could possibly be done in the future to improve the welfare of these beautiful animals.


Kamila Lemaire