What to do when you are sad.

Have you been sad? Nostalgic? Have you been in a bad mood lately? Something annoying happened?  Well! All you need to do is smile. Even though you probably don’t feel like smiling, “forcing” yourself to smile has been said to be efficient.  After a very hectic/dramatic/ unexpected term all I try to do now is smile. I definitely had what you call “an unexpected start of term 2 ”, whatever I thought would happen never happened and what I didn’t expect to happen, instead, happened when I least expected it. This is what many  people called “the mystery of life”. Yes, life is a mystery, it never happens your way. When you want and think something is going to happen, in some way there’s a kind of “force” that makes it happen either later or never. Life is said to be a book, and like every good book, it likes itself to be discovered line by line,  page by page, chapter by chapter, and, obviously if the story is too predictable then it’s not going to be a good story. However, all of this is okay because most of the times, the unexpected is what we all need. In order to live a happy life, one must not have any expectations….and yes this is hard, especially if you really want something to happen with all of your heart. But how can you stop thinking/expecting what you want and focus on other things? How can you get distracted so that you let the “unexpected” happen? These are all questions that can’t be really answered. All I know is that sometimes when you are powerless and can’t control what happens, all you have to do is force that smile and think about all the positive things that did happen. I’m the kind of girl that believes that there is a reason for everything, if one path closes, it means that there is another one waiting for you somewhere else, you just need to find the right timing and have just a  bit of luck. With this said, if what you want is not coming/not working, don’t worry there’s always going to be a better option/better timing for it.



Pink mind.

These below are a couple of poems that I decided to write now in my free time, hope you enjoy them!

That night.

That night I hold so close yet so far,

The stars sparkling in a caliginous sky,

Your eyes radiantly starring at mine,

A romantic walk and a wishing star,

I never thought it meant goodbye,

I didn’t plan an end after the moonshine.



Words of fictitious truth were spoken,

My heart believed the gloomy deception,

A kiss was all it took to make me believe,

A warm gesture and a heart was broken,

But who knew that you weren’t an exception,

You made it so credible and I was just too naive.


The same hill we walked up together is dim,

The once luminous stars are now pallid,

And now as you go around collecting hearts,

I wonder how you got under my skin,

Your soul is ice and your words are now acid,

Now my heart is torn and I try to resemble the parts.



It’s time to fight.


These burdens I hold inside hurt,

I cannot hold onto this crutch anymore,

It’s time to throw it away and start walking,

Melodies are around and I hear people talking,

These voices around spread an alert,

I’ve been stricken with nostalgia and I’m heartsore.


I feel lost in a pool of confusion and torment,

The feelings I hold are locked inside a chamber,

They don’t know how much it’s painful,

This umbrage is breaking and tearful,

It’s like if my heart was made of cement,

But I’m surrounded by crystals and amber.


I keep waiting for the moment that will change my state,

But opportunity doesn’t wait for me to recover,

Rapidity and rarity are her phraseology,

But I’m still waiting for a stranger’s apology,

this is my stubbornness and it will not change my fate,

But if I let go my fears a new world I might discover.


I might find what I want and need,

And demolish my deepest fears,

I just need to be set free,

And I’ll find my true “me”.

I tell myself I will succeed,

And I’ll wipe up these tears.


The golden memories are kept tight and safe,

The scars are more like cuts that burn,

But this atmosphere that encircles me doesn’t want me to cry,

It’s time for me to be set free and fly,

It’s time to open up and quit the strafe,

It’s time for my old, joyful me to return.




Time, time, time. What is it? You might feel like if it is just a word but if you analyze it closely it has many meanings. It might mean the time you go to work/school, it might mean the time you get your licence, the time you officially become legal, the time you lost your first tooth, the time you had your first kiss, it might be simply mean to you the numbers on a clock, it might be a gathering of moments that impact your life, but to many people, time is a broad concept that is best interpreted by the word “patience”. To me, for example, time is not the seconds, minutes, hours, or days a person counts. To me time is measured as the overall block it takes for one important moment of your life to transition to the next. To me time is what “upgrades” you, for example, from being a high school senior to a college freshman, or from an undergraduate to a graduate student. To me time is the meaningful process it takes for people to change, mature and overall think differently. Time is the patience it takes for you to wait for that special moment to happen and change your current status. But why am I talking about this? I just think that our life is always about running back and forth from one place to another, and we never really have the moment to process how much has changed from our pasts. To me, this concept of time is important because we never really realize how we get to the next phase in our life. Everything simply happens so fast that most people don’t notice. This is why it is important to take a second to think about the very fascinating concept of “time”. Think on how your life might change in a few months and how you could achieve something you really want, think about what you have now and what you have achieved, think about what you have achieved in your past. This to me is time, just take seconds to think and process everything. Experience the beauty of the concept of time and you will realize how much our life is precious.

A break in heaven.



The title of this post says a lot already. What I was taught as a child is that a woman not only has to have her “beauty sleep”, but also her “beauty break”. By “break”, I mean simply a week of total relaxation doing things you enjoy. After a very stressful month of personal family issues, midterms and other minor hassles, I decided to get my seven-day “beauty break”. I decided to go to one of the places I absolutely love the most and if you think “pink” like me, you can probably guess where I’ve spent most of my reading break………….but since I know that most of the readers out there are not really fond of guessing, I’ll just say it. I spent my break in beautiful, sunny California. Since I was a child I’ve always loved everything about this place. When I was seven, I told my dad that I was going to live someday there. It’s gorgeous weather, the palm trees, the overall atmosphere just captured my heart from the very first day. San Francisco is absolutely a lovely city, the fisherman’s wharf area, the pier, the golden gate bridge, little Italy, japan town, chinatown are all areas that make this city absolutely unique. The famous “cable car” also reminded me of my own city, Milan, and made me feel like if I was back home. I also had the opportunity to visit Berkeley, Davis and Sacramento. Sacramento, is definitely not a touristy place, but the area I was located in called “Old Sacramento” was very cowboy- western style and particularly original. The hotel I stayed in was a huge boat and the overall atmosphere was just amazing. Overall, even the most small town of California such as Davis and Berkeley didn’t disappoint me. There is always something to do in good, old, sunny California. My heart belongs to this place and I know that someday I will live there and keep my promise.


Audrey Hepburn, the idol.

Hello fellow bloggers!,

I’m here to start this blog with a quote that has definitely has been a great inspiration to me. “I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles” – Audrey Hepburn. Yes, I also believe in the most incredible actress that ever existed on this planet, my dear beloved Audrey Hepburn. Audrey has always been an inspiration and for this reason I would like to start this blog by  dedicating to her a whole post.

Audrey was definitely the best representation of a girl with a “pink” mind. She was gorgeous, fabulous, stylish yet smart, talented and determined. All qualities that a great woman, in my opinion, must possess in order to survive this crazy world.  With her hit movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” she definitely became an icon to all the young aspiring actresses out there (including myself). The face of this role model can be found anywhere, because this “pink lady” not only has dominated the fashion world, but she became an icon herself. Around the world today, possessing Audrey Hepburn shirts, posters, picture frames, tea cups, magnets, photo albums and other accessories is seen as if you were  possessing Armani, Gucci, Prada, Calvin Klein, Louis Vuitton, Juicy Couture and other expensive brands.

Style and fashionable traits were not the only qualities this glamorous icon possessed, today she is also considered became the “fashion”, she  became the “trend”, the “style”, the “what’s in” that young ladies want to imitate. This is why this beautiful woman has truly inspired me in every way.