Marketing Beyond the Field of Marketing (RE: External Blog)

As Tamar has brought up in class before, you do not have to be entering the marketing field to use marketing tools.

I really enjoyed reading Drew’s Marketing Minute Blog. Posts are simple, straightforward, and relatable. One post that caught my eye was “Make the most of any conference you attend.” This is a very relevant piece for any business student to read.

Drew breaks down items to follow when on a conference but uses marketing terms. He implies that when we are presenting a project/assignment/product we think things through from communication to wardrobe. Yet when it comes to conferences and such, we forget that we essentially sell delegates on our features and benefits.

  • One the first things I remember learning in business all the way back to high school: location, location, location. How will you get to the conference? When? Is it a new place? Plan ahead and take into account contingency plans.
  • You are there to meet people at a conference. You will not have time to hit up everybody so create a hit list of the few people you must absolutely meet. For September CPA Recruit, I know I should aim for a mix of recruiters, staff accountants, and partners. Planning for that, I know how to market my qualities to them.
  • Conferences are jammed packed with luncheons, workshops, speaker series, and more. It is better to go to the things that excite you the most and will be the best benefit. Like when marketing a product: if you’re target market is extremely limited in a rural area, perhaps you should venture in a more profitable and growing region. Pace yourself.

Thanks Drew! I am definitely confident to attend conferences with these tips in mind!