This last blog is inspired by my colleague Di MU, and it will be expanding the marketing strategy of XiaoMi, a Chinese company such as many “Shanzhai’s,that duplicate original brands and sell them at a lower price.
It is not new, nor a secret to any one that nearly everything in China comes into three categories. The fake product with ultimate poor quality but looking exactly as the real product (double and triple Sim- Cards business in Africa is a live testimony of this kind of scheming), the middle product with some sense of quality, and the “real product” still with the lowest price on the market. You go to buy, you have to make up your mind between which quality suits you the best.
However, XiaoMi has tackled this challenging problem of choosing by offering “cheap and android- Iphone cell phones.” How does Android work with Apple? Probably XiaMo will also tackle this question in a near future. As someone from Africa, this kind of business is not knew to my ears and neither to idea of fruitful business from it. Not going aainst the point that my colleague made about this company being unstable as you have to open 3 accounts to get your shipment, but if XiaoMi was to partner with developing countries, it will be assuring the future of its “Android- Iphone” or Iphone – Android, still not very sure how to name it.
However as Di Mu said if the company is looking towards expanding its customer base, copying Apple, doesn’t seem like a good idea. If it wants to make its own name, it has to have a point of differentiation, but i guess is its price. But among the many problems that this new Apple has to deal or just realize is that since it only has online commerce, its potential customer base, will be the west. Unlike Africans and Chinese themselves, westerns always look with askance at any brand made in China. Even when the product appears to give them what they need, they will be concerned about its quality and reliability.
So with this is mind, this newest company should think about changing its channels if its looking into international market.