Monthly Archives: September 2014

Business Ethics: Refreshing company values to promote revitalization

John Dalla Costa’s “A call to recalibrate corporate values” discusses the importance for companies to prioritize values and company character in the post financial crisis period. While focusing on what the company needs to accomplish to re-build during a time of economic instability can become the primary criterion on a company’s agenda, Costa recognizes that before effective action can take place, values relevant to today’s economy should be instilled to allow companies to make successful decisions in current fast-paced environments.

Interestingly, stopping to re-think and re-evaluate fundamental company principles, and stopping in general is not the first priority on the minds of company executives, who tend not to relate quick recovery and innovation in their respective industries to company integrity and character-traditional company aspects that require time to revisit. Yet, in his article Costa explores how having a strong set of values specific to one’s company can ultimately accelerate the rate at which vital decisions are made in the long run.

Despite the observed productiveness of companies who have up to date value sets, many companies lack adequate description in what their values are, or have values that are simply indistinguishable from those of their competitors. It seems that the only companies that will thrive in any upcoming uncertainty are those who are certain about what they believe in, and what they will decide as a result.

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