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Sep 11 / Ashley Mui

The Limit to Marketing

While marketing a product is to capture the consumer’s attention and encourage them to buy the product that is being marketed, what are the limits to the methods of marketing?

It appears that some businesses apparently forget to be sensitive to certain names that trigger emotions and unpleasant events in history for certain people. In particular, in the article “Bloody Brands” from The Economist, the writer mentions a few brands that name goods, such as wine, after figures including Adolf Hitler and Mao Ze Dong. For some, those names trigger memories that they do not necessarily want to be reminded of. In India, a Mumbai restaurant named Hitler’s Cross pizza suffered backlash from Jewish groups, understandably. Do the businesses think that using the names and faces of these figures is funny? Are they just targeting certain groups and ignoring the others?

Those businesses should re-evaluate their decisions and question their ethics and morals. With that level of sensitivity, marketing will not last them in the long run, even if they meet their goals now.



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