LIBR 559M Class Blog

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Category: Uncategorized

You’re just embarrassing yourself: a letter to my library’s social media team

I’m not sure if I have mentioned this before, but I work for a library system in the lower mainland. I’ve been with this system for nine years now, and I have loved (almost) every day of it. Like many libraries, we’ve struggled to keep “relevant” and maintain some level of coolness. In order to […]

Library Jobs and Facebook Cover Photos

Hey you! Have you ever sworn on Facebook? Do you thinkmaybe that’s why you didn’t get that job? I don’t have Facebook anymore and I haven’t had it for a few months now (best decision I’ve ever made — not that this had much to compete with. I don’t make many good decisions). Not long […]

Creating an Identity

Thinking about Erika Pearson’s All the World Wide Web’s s Stage: The Performance of Identity of Online Social Networks, I can’t help but think about other people I know and how they’re pretending to be somebody they’re not online. And I’ll be the first to talk smack about those people, but it just occurred to […]

Not a Module

Yo, So this is completely not class related but I thought I would let you all know that I’ve been trying a little social media experiment in my free time. (What is free time even?) I’ve started adding hashtags to my Instagram photos! Yes, I know I’m behind the times. I follow a few really […]

Module 1

Like a lot of us, I remember when Facebook required you to have a university email in order to sign up. I signed up as soon as I was given a school email address, and was surprised to learn that my American friends (I went to college in the States) used Myspace instead. I tried […]

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