Library Jobs and Facebook Cover Photos

by Ashley

Hey you! Have you ever sworn on Facebook? Do you thinkmaybe that’s why you didn’t get that job?

I don’t have Facebook anymore and I haven’t had it for a few months now (best decision I’ve ever made — not that this had much to compete with. I don’t make many good decisions). Not long before I deleted it, though, I changed my cover photo to this trendy shot my friend took of me reading Lean In, holding a bookmark that said “Read a Fucking Book.”

I thought it was clever and I was very proud of my bookmark. I got it at this co-op bookstore in downtown Seattle, where I bought more books than I had room in my suitcase and had to buy another duffel bag so I could cart them all home with me. But, anyway. Unbeknownst to me, this cover photo change was the topic of many a conversation around my parents’ and my grandparents’ dinner tables.

A month or so after the change, I got this email from my grandmother, who had been praying about it and felt like she really needed to tell me that I should change my offensive cover photo if I ever hoped to get a job. I thanked her for her concern, but kept the cover photo.

What do you think? Would you hire me for a librarian position in your library even if I had the cover photo in question?

I like to think of librarians as “cultured” and “open-minded” and “anti-censorship of any kind,” but do you think that something like a curse word on a Facebook profile would be enough to sway opinion in the eyes of an employer? I mean, feel free to say what you want since it’s not my cover photo anymore (and even if it were, I wouldn’t be offended — see, ‘open-minded’). Generally interested in your opinion here, so have at ‘er.