
Publications Group A

Siemens, A.H. 2004. “Travesía por la sierra” and “Los Paisajes” in Sergio Guevara S., Javier Laborde D. and Graciela Sánchez-Ríos, edits., Los Tuxtlas: El paisaje de la sierra, Instituto de Ecología, México; pp. 29-58.

Siemens, A.H. 2002. “El ‘Rub al-Kahli’ prehispanico de Los Tuxtlas: Una interpretación del paisaje,” in Estudios sobre historia y ambiente en America II (eds.:Bernardo García Martínez y María del Rosario Prieto) Mexico, D.F., El Colegio de México y Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia: 160-202.

Publications Group B

Siemens, A.H. 2004. Guest editor with Andrew Sluyter, Native Food Production Knowledge Systems and Practices: Alternative Values and Outcomes. Special issue of Agriculture and Human Values, 21/2-3. Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 2004. 264pp.

Siemens, A. H. 1998. A Favored Place: The San Juan River Wetlands, Central Veracruz, A.D. 500 to the Present. Austin: University of Texas Press. 301pp.

Siemens, A. H. 1989. Tierra Configurada (“Patterned Ground”). A selection of my papers on pre-Hispanic wetland agriculture in Mesoamerican (translated into Spanish), with a sizeable collection of my oblique air photos. Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y los Artes, Mexico City. 337pp.

Siemens, A. H. 2004. “Modelling the Tropical Wetland Landscape and Adaptations”. Agriculture and Human Values. 21/2-3: 243-254.

Siemens, A.H. and José Angel Soler Graham. 2003. “Manejo prehispánico del río Candelaria, Campeche.” Arqueología Mexicana. X/59:64-69.

Siemens, A. H.. José Angel Soler Graham, Richard Hebda and Maija Heimo. 2002. “’Dams’ on the Candelaria” Ancient Mesoamerica. 13:115-123.

Siemens, A. H. 2002. Expanded review of William M.Denevan, 2001. Cultivated Landscapes of Native Amazonia and the Andes, Oxford, New York; William E. Doolittle, 2000. Cultivated Landscapes of Native North America, Oxford, New York; Thomas M.Whitmore and B.L.Turner II, 2001. Cultivated Landscapes of Middle America on the Eve of Conquest, Oxford, New York, for the Annals of the Association of American Geographers 93/1:231-237.