A Response to the Two Rs

I recently came across an interesting article and was instantly reminded of a classmate’s blogpost about the advantages of reusing over recycling. The blogger brings up an interesting idea about how recycling is not really the best option when you consider the enormous costs involved in the process. It is more effective to just reuse instead.

I agree with the concept entirely. Recycling brings up a number of extra expenses like fuel and equipment to name a few. Why not reuse products instead? The same theory applies to ICT as well. Electronic waste is highly harmful to the environment and has potential to be reused. Reusing allows organisations with surplus or replaced ICT an opportunity to recuperate costs from the selling renovated equipment or to save substantial sums by reusing ICT instead of spending on more expensive brand new hardware. Most companies overlook this, and end up throwing out old ICT during their upgrade seasons. Companies can also trade and share products depending on their requirements. They can send their equipment to under developed countries to be used there. However, reusing can only be done if the products are tested and investigated for safety. The idea should be publicized more.

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