Electric Cars

Tesla's current vehicles

Tesla’s current vehicles

Electric cars are often thought of as the the next huge revolution in the way that people travel. In recent years car manufacturers are finally making electric cars that are just as good (if not better) than gas powered vehicles. Yet, for some reason electric cars have not been selling as well as some expected. Yuliya Chernova wrote an interesting piece for the Wall Street Journal outlining why this may be. Based on studies done by a variety of Universities, Yuliya reports that the biggest problem so far has been the overwhelming lack of knowledge people have about electric cars. In the studies some people got 60-75% of basic factual questions about the vehicles wrong. Although this is shocking, I do not think that the car companies should not be too alarmed. Adding electric cars is a very radical change to the auto-industry, and because of this it will take time for consumers to fully understand this new technology. Also, I believe that if companies such as Tesla continue to produce fantastic vehicles people will eventually give the technology the credit it deserves. It will be very interesting to see the future landscape of the auto-industry.

Article Used: http://online.wsj.com/articles/what-s-holding-back-electric-car-sales-1411937798?tesla=y&mod=SJ_business_MoreArticles&mg=reno64-wsj&url=http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203523204580113691705876222.html?mod=WSJ_business_MoreArticles

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