Reading a Student Blog #1

This is blog is in relation to a blog post: “Sweatshops are unethical” written by Shawn Wu. Shawn argues in his post that “sweatshops are playing a positive roles by making the world a better place, rather than simply sucking up the employees’ blood.” He supports this by saying that the companies are actually helping the workers by giving them a pay cheque. If it weren’t for these companies the workers won’t even receive this money and this will affect their living standards as well as the local economy.

I agree with this analysis to a certain extent. It is logical to say that the economy and living standards will be affected without the presence of these companies in these areas. Though something that should be taken into consideration is that these giants should not take advantage of the poor conditions that the workers are present in to exploit them. Therefore, as a first step towards being ethical, the companies should make a one time investment in providing the workers with a suitable environment to work in. Other measures such as a raise in their pay or general improvements can be taken over time by the management.

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