My research focuses on maximizing the value for patients from from our health care system. Not only the value that patients derive from their own care through their treatment options, but the value the whole population derives from the public investment in health care. To this end, I study and apply a field called decision science. Where most fields of health research focus on producing new knowledge – through better evidence and new treatments and technologies – decision science studies how people (patients, clinicians, policy makers…) make choices and how they can make better choices with current knowledge recognizing the presence of uncertainty, complexity, cognitive biases and competing values. In particular I am interested in:
- Economic evaluation: considering the cost-effectiveness of technologies and drugs for informing policymakers how to maximize the value the whole population derives from the public investment in healthcare. Selected publications include work in rheumatoid arthritis (Bansback et al. Triple Therapy Versus Biologic Therapy for Active Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2017; Finckh A, Bansback N, Ann Intern Med. 2009; Brennan A, Bansback N et al. Rheumatology 2004; Wailoo AJ, Bansback N, et al. Arthritis Rheumatism.)
- Valuation of health: eliciting the value individuals and society place on specific health outcomes and experiences using discrete choice experiments, time trade off procedures, MCDA and contingent valuation. Selected publications include (Bansback N et al. Journal of Health Economics. 2012, Bansback et al, Social Science Medicine 2015 and Bansback N et al. PLoS ONE. 2012)
- Network meta-analysis: estimating the comparative effectiveness of interventions that may or may not have been evaluated directly against each other in trials. Selected publications include (Nixon R, Bansback N, Stats in Medicine, 2007)
- Shared decision-making: supporting patients and their clinicians to choose the options that are congruent with values, sometimes with the use of patient decision aids. Selected publications include (Trenaman et al, Medical Decision Making 2015).
- Work productivity: Measuring and valuing in monetary terms, the impact of health on work productivity. Selected publications (Zhang W, Bansback N, Anis AH. Social Science & Medicine. 2011).
My affiliations also include being a Scientist at the Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcome Sciences, and Arthritis Research Canada, and an Associate with the Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Evaluation, and the Canadian Centre for Applied Research in Cancer Control and with the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. I am the co lead of the Health Economics and Simulation Methods Cluster at the BC SUPPORT UNIT.
My teaching includes Operations and Logistics on the Master of Health Administration for which I am also the Director. I also teach Decision Analysis in Healthcare at SPPH.
Previous to my current position, I completed a Postdoc with Stirling Bryan, Linda Li and Larry Lynd at UBC, and a PhD with John Brazier and Aki Tsuchiya at the University of Sheffield in Health Economics and Decision Sciences.
I have a number of talented MSc and PhD students and also supervise MHA students on their 590 projects. If you would like to work with me, please contact me with specific detail about what your interests are in, and why you think I would be able to help you pursue your interests.
My publications are on Google Scholar and can be found below by category:
Economic evaluation
- Bansback N, Phibbs CS, Sun H, O’Dell JR, Brophy M, Keystone EC, Leatherman S, Mikuls TR, Anis AH. Triple therapy versus biologic therapy for active rheumatoid arthritis: A cost-effectiveness analysis. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2017;167(1):8-16
- Finckh A, Bansback N, Marra CA, Anis AH, Michaud K, Lubin S, White M, Sizto S, Liang MH. Treatment of very early rheumatoid arthritis with symptomatic therapy, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, or biologic agents: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2009;151(9):612-21.
- Brennan A, Bansback N, Reynolds A, Conway P. Modelling the cost-effectiveness of etanercept in adults with rheumatoid arthritis in the UK. Rheumatology. 2004;43(1):62-72.
- Harvard S, Guh D, Bansback N, Richette P, Dougados M, Anis A, Fautrel B. Costs of early spondyloarthritis: estimates from the first 3 years of the DESIR cohort. RMD Open. 2016;2(1):e000230.
- Bansback N, Keystone E, O’Dell J, Phibbs CS, Hannagan K, Brophy M, Anis A. Making smart investment decisions in clinical research. Trials. 2015;16(1):590.
- Sharif B, Kopec J, Bansback N, Rahman MM, Flanagan WM, Wong H, Fines P, Anis A. Projecting the direct cost burden of osteoarthritis in Canada using a microsimulation model. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2015;23(10):1654-63.
- Trenaman L, Sadatsafavi M, Almeida F, Ayas N, Lynd L, Marra C, Stacey D, Bansback N. Exploring the Potential Cost-Effectiveness of Patient Decision Aids for Use in Adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Case Study. Medical Decision Making. 2015;35(5):671-82.
- Trenaman L, Bryan S, Bansback N. The cost-effectiveness of patient decision aids: A systematic review. Healthcare. 2014;2(4):251-257.
- Werker GR, Sharif B, Sun H, Cooper C, Bansback N, Anis AH. Optimal timing of influenza vaccination in patients with human immunodeficiency virus: A Markov cohort model based on serial study participant hemoagglutination inhibition titers. Vaccine. 2014;32(6):677-84.
- Bayoumi AM, Barnett PG, Joyce VR, Griffin SC, Bansback NJ, Holodniy M, Sanders G, Brown ST, Kyriakides TC, Angus B, Cameron DW, Anis AH, Sculpher M, Owens DK. Cost-effectiveness of newer antiretroviral drugs in treatment-experienced patietns with multidrug-resistant HIV disease. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2013;64(4):382-91.
- Sadatsafavi M, Bansback N, Zafari Z, Najafzadeh M, Marra C. Need for speed: an efficient algorithm for calculation of single-parameter expected value of partial perfect Information. Value in Health. 2013;16(2):438-48.
- Tsao NW, Bansback NJ, Shojania K, Marra CA. The issue of comparators in economic evaluations of biologic response modifiers in rheumatoid arthritis. Best Practice & Research in Clinical Rheumatology. 2012;26(5):659-76.
- Mills FP, Ford N, Nachega JB, Bansback N, Nosyk B, Yaya S, Mills EJ. Earlier initialization of highly active antiretroviral therapy is associated with long term survival and is cost-effective: findings from a deterministic model of a 10-year Ugandan cohort. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2012;61(3):364-9.
- Nosyk B, Guh D, Bansback N, Oviedo-Joekes E, Brissette S, Marsh D, Miekleham E, Schechter M, Anis A. The cost-effectiveness of diacetylmorphine compared to methadone in chronic treatment-refractory opioid dependent individuals. CMAJ. 2012;184(6):E317-28.
- Tosh J, Brennan A, Wailoo A, Bansback N. The Sheffield rheumatoid arthritis health economic model. Rheumatology. 2011;50(Suppl 4):iv26-31.
- Anis AH, Bansback N, Sizto S, Gupta SR, Willian MK, Feldman SR. Economic evaluation of biologic therapies for the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis in the United States. Journal of Dermatological Treatment. 2011;22(2):65-74.
- Marra CA, Bansback N, Anis AH, Shojania K. Introduction to economic modeling for clinical rheumatologists: application to biologic agents in rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical Rheumatology. 2011;30(Suppl 1):S9-18.
- Kopec JA, Sayre EC, Flanagan WM, Fines P, Cibere J, Rahman MM, Bansback NJ, Anis AH, Jordan JM, Sobolev B, Aghajanian J, Kang W, Greidanus NV, Garbuz DS, Hawker GA, Badley EM. Development of a population-based microsimulation model of osteoarthritis in Canada. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2010;18(3):303-11.
- Anis AH, Zhang W, Bansback N, Guh DP, Amarsi Z, Birmingham CL. Obesity and overweight in Canada: An updated cost-of-illness study. Obesity Reviews. 2010;11(1):31-40.
- Wong CL, Bansback N, Lee PE, Anis AH. Cost-effectiveness: cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine in vascular dementia. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. 2009;36(6):735-9.
- Nixon RM, O'Hagan A, Oakley J, Madan J, Stevens JW, Bansback N, Brennan A. The Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Development Model: a case study in Bayesian clinical trial simulation. Pharmaceutical Statistics. 2009;8(4):371-89.
- Bansback N, Marra CA. Now that we know what's BeSt, what is good value for the money? Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2009;61(3):289-90.
- Bansback N, Marra CA, Finckh A, Anis A. The economics of treatment in early rheumatoid arthritis. Best Practice & Research in Clinical Rheumatology. 2009;23(1):83-92.
- Sizto S, Bansback N, Feldman SR, Willian MK, Anis AH. Economic evaluation of systemic therapies for moderate to severe psoriasis. British Journal of Dermatology. 2009;160(6):1264-72.
- Bansback N, Ara R, Ward S, Anis A, Choi H. Statin therapy in rheumatoid arthritis: a cost effectiveness and value-of-information analysis. Pharmacoeconomics. 2009;27(1):25-37.
- Karnon J, Czoski-Murray C, Smith K, Brand C, Chakravarthy U, Davis S, Bansback N, Beverley C, Bird A, Harding S, Chisholm I, Yang YC. A preliminary model-based assessment of the cost-utility of a screening programme for early age-related macular degeneration. Health Technology Assessment. 2008;12(27):iii-iv, ix-124.
- Bansback N, Ara R, Karnon J, Anis A. Economic evaluations in rheumatoid arthritis: a critical review of measures used to define health States. Pharmacoeconomics. 2008;26(5):395-408.
- Wailoo A, Bansback N, Chilcott J. Infliximab, etanercept and adalimumab for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis: cost-effectiveness evidence and NICE guidance. Rheumatology. 2008;47(2):119-20.
- Wailoo AJ, Bansback N, Brennan A, Michaud K, Nixon R, Wolfe F. Biologic Drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Medicare Program:. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2008;58(4):939-46.
- Bansback N, Davis S, Brazier J. Using contrast sensitivity to estimate the cost-effectiveness of verteporfin in patients with predominantly classic age-related macular degeneration. Eye. 2007;21(12):1455-63.
- Bansback N, Anis A, Boers M, Boonen A, Drummond M, Maetzel A, Marra C, Tugwell P. Considerations and Preliminary Proposals for Defining a Reference Case for Economic Evaluations in Ankylosing Spondylitis. Journal of Rheumatology. 2007;34(5):1178-83.
- Brennan A, Bansback N, Nixon RM, Madan J, Harrison M, Watson K, Symmons D. Modelling the cost effectiveness of TNF-alpha antagonists in the management of rheumatoid arthritis: Results from the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Registry. Rheumatology. 2007;46(8):1345-54.
- Regier DA, Bansback N, Dar Santos A, Marra CA. Cost-effectiveness of tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonists in rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research. 2007;7(2):155-69.
- Thomas KC, Nosyk B, Fisher CG, Dvorak M, Patchell RA, Regine WF, Loblaw A, Bansback N, Guh D, Sun H, Anis A. Cost-effectiveness of surgery plus radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone for metastatic epidural spinal cord compression. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics. 2006;66(4):1212-8.
- Bansback N, Ara R, Barkham N, Brennan A, Fraser AD, Conway P, Reynolds A, Emery P. Estimating the cost and health status consequences of treatment with TNF antagonists in patients with psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatology. 2006;45(8):1029-38.
- Bansback NJ, Young A, Brennan A. The NICE reappraisal of biologics in 2005: what rheumatologists need to know. Rheumatology. 2005;44(1):3-4.
- Bansback N, Brennan A, Anis A. A Pharmacoeconomic review of adalimumab in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research. 2005;5(5):519-29.
- Bansback N, Brennan A, Ghatneker O. Cost-effectiveness of adalimumab in the treatment of patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis in Sweden. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2005;64(7):995-1002.
- Bansback N, Regier DA, Ara R, Brennan A, Shojania K, Esdaile JM, Anis AH, Marra CA. An overview of economic evaluations for drugs used in rheumatoid arthritis: focus on tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonists. Drugs. 2005;65(4):473-96.
- Bansback N, Ward S, KarnonJ. Economic evaluation of gemcitabine in the treatment of pancreatic cancer in the UK. How important is quality of life? European Journal of Health Economics. 2004;5(2): 188-9.
- Lloyd Jones M, Hummel S, Bansback N, Orr B, Seymour M. A rapid and systematic review of the evidence for the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of irinotecan, oxaliplatin and raltitrexed for the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer. Health Technology Assessment. 2001;5(25):1-128.
- Ward S, Morris E, Bansback N, Calvert N, Crellin A, Forman D, Larvin M, Radstone D. A rapid and systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of gemcitabine for the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Health Technology Assessment. 2001;5(24):1-70.
Valuing health
- Bansback N, Brazier J, Tsuchiya A, Anis A. Using a discrete choice experiment to estimate health state utility values. Journal of Health Economics. 2012;31(1):306-18.
- Bansback N, Tsuchiya A, Brazier J, Anis A. Canadian Valuation of EQ-5D Health States: Preliminary Value Set and Considerations for Future Valuation Studies. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(2):e31115.
- Harrison M, Milbers K, Hudson M, Bansback N. Do patients and health care providers have discordant preferences about which aspects of treatments matter most? Evidence from a systematic review of discrete choice experiments. BMJ open. 2017 May 1;7(5):e014719.
- Trenaman L, Boonen A, Guillemin F, Hiligsmann M, Hoens A, Marra C, Taylor W, Barton J, Tugwell P, Wells G, Bansback N. OMERACT Quality-adjusted Life-years (QALY) Working Group: Do Current QALY Measures Capture What Matters to Patients?. The Journal of Rheumatology. 2017 (In Press).
- Trenaman L, Bansback N. Moving from outcomes to values to deliver high-quality health care-A new checklist for valuation studies. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2017 (In Press)
- Mohammadi T, Bansback N, Marra F, Khakban A, Campbell JR, FitzGerald JM, Lynd LD, Marra CA. Testing the External Validity of a Discrete Choice Experiment Method: An Application to Latent Tuberculosis Infection Treatment. Value in Health. 2017. In Press
- Harrison M, Marra C, Bansback N. Preferences for ‘new’ treatments diminish in the face of ambiguity. Health Economics. 2017 Jun 1;26(6):743-52
- Xie F, Pullenayegum E, Gaebel K, Bansback N, Bryan S, Ohinmaa A, Poissant L, Johnson JA. How different are composite and traditional TTO valuations of severe EQ-5D-5L states? Quality of Life Research 2016;25(8):2101-8.
- Finckh A, Escher M, Liang MH, Bansback N. Preventive treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Issues regarding patient preferences. Current Rheumatology Reports. 2016;18(8):51.
- Al Sayah F, Bansback N, Bryan S, Ohinmaa, A, Poissant L, Pullenayegum E, Xie F, Johnson JA. Determinants of time trade-off valuations for EQ-5D-5L health states: data from the Canadian EQ-5D-5L valuation study. Quality of Life Research. 2016;25(7):1679-85.
- Bansback N, Harrison M, Sadatsafavi M, Stiggelbout A, Whitehurst D. Attitude to health risk in the Canadian Population: evidence from a nationwide cross-sectional survey. CMAJ Open. 2016;4(2):E284-91.
- Bansback N, Harrison M, Marra C. Does Introducing Imprecision around Probabilities for Benefit and Harm Influence the Way People Value Treatments? Medical Decision Making. 2016;36(4):490-502.
- Xie F, Pullenayegum E, Gaebel K, Bansback N, Bryan S, Ohinmaa A, Poissant L, Johnson JA. A Time Trade-off-derived Value Set of the EQ-5D-5L for Canada. Medical Care. 2016;54(1):98-105.
- Trenaman L, Ayas N, Bansback N. The Patient's or Society's: Whose Quality of Life is it Anyway? Sleep. 2014;37(12):1885-6.
- Kalia S, Toosi B, Bansback N, Astaneh A, Zhou YW, Shapiro J, Lui H. Assessing adherence with phototherapy protocols. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2014;71(6):1259-61.
- Dragojlovic N, Rizzardo S, Bansback N, Mitton C, Marra CA, Lynd LD. Challenges in measuring the societal value of orphan drugs: insights from a Canadian stated preference survey. Patient. 2015:8(1):93-101.
- Engel L, Bansback N, Bryan S, Doyle-Waters MM, Whitehurst DGT. Exclusion Criteria in National Health State Valuation Studies A Systematic Review. Medical Decision Making. 2016;36(7):798-810.
- Bansback N, Trenaman L, Harrison M. How Important Is Mode of Administration in Treatments for Rheumatic Diseases and Related Conditions? Current Rheumatology Reports. 2015;17(6):514.
- Harrison M, Marra C, Shojania K, Bansback N. Societal preferences for rheumatoid arthritis treatments: evidence from a discrete choice experiment. Rheumatology. 2015;54(10):1816-25.
- Bansback N, Hole AR, Mulhern B, Tsuchiya A. Testing a discrete choice experiment including duration to value health states for large descriptive systems: addressing design and sampling issues. Social Science & Medicine. 2014;114(100):38-48.
- Mulhern N, Bansback N, Brazier J, Buckingham K, Cairns J, Devlin N, Dolan P, Hole AR, Kavetsos G, Longworth L, Rowen D, Tsuchiya A. Preparation for the revaluation of the EQ-5D tariff: methodology report. Health Technology Assessment. 2014;18(12):vii-xxvi, 1-191.
- Almeida FR, Bansback N. Long-Term Effectiveness of Oral Appliance versus CPAP Therapy and the Emerging Importance of Understanding Patient Preferences. Sleep. 2013;36(9):1271-2.
- Mulhern B, Longworth L, Brazier J, Rowen D, Bansback N, Devlin N, Tsuchiya A. Binary Choice Health State Valuation and Mode of Administration: Head-to-Head Comparison of Online and CAPI. Value in Health. 2013;16(1):104-13.
- Bansback N, Zhang W, Guh D, Anis A, Williams R, Walsh D, Kiely P, Young A. Factors associated with absenteeism, presenteeism and activity impairment in patients in the first years of Rheumatoid Arthritis. 2012;51(2):375-84.
- Bansback N, Sizto S, Marra C, Guh D, Anis A. The Effect of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Tests on Anticipated Affect and Health-Seeking Behaviors: A Pilot Survey. Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers. 2012;16(10):1165-71.
- Harrison MJ, Bansback NJ, Marra CA, Drummond M, Tugwell PS, Boonen A. Valuing health for clinical and economic decisions: directions relevant for rheumatologists. Journal of Rheumatology. 2011;38(8):1770-5.
- Harrison MJ, Lunt M, Verstappen SM, Watson KD, Bansback NJ, Symmons DP. Exploring the validity of estimating EQ-5D and SF-6D utility values from the health assessment questionnaire in patients with inflammatory arthritis. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2010;8:21.
- Nosyk B, Sun H, Bansback N, Guh DP, Li X, Barnett P, Bayoumi A, Griffin S, Joyce V, Holodniy M, Owens DK, Anis AH. The concurrent validity and responsiveness of the health utilities index (HUI 3) among patients with advanced HIV/AIDS. Quality of Life Research. 2009;18(7):815-24.
- Harrison MJ, Davies LM, Bansback NJ, McCoy MJ, Farragher TM, Verstappen SM, Hassell A, Symmons DP. Why Do Patients with Inflammatory Arthritis Often Score States "Worse than Death" on the EQ-5D? An Investigation of the EQ-5D Classification System. Value in Health. 2009;12(6):1026-34.
- Harrison MJ, Davies LM, Bansback NJ, McCoy MJ, Verstappen SM, Watson K, Symmons DP; British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register Control Centre Consortium. The comparative responsiveness of the EQ-5D and SF-6D to change in patients with inflammatory arthritis. Quality of Life Research. 2009;18(9):1195-205.
- Anis AH, Nosyk B, Sun H, Guh DP, Bansback N, Li X, Barnett PG, Joyce V, Swanson KM, Kyriakides TC, Holodniy M, Cameron DW, Brown ST; OPTIMA Team. Quality of life of patients with advanced HIV/AIDS: measuring the impact of both AIDS-defining events and non-AIDS serious adverse events. Journal Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2009;51(5):631-9.
- Bansback N, Sun H, Guh DP, Li X, Nosyk B, Griffin S, Barnett PG, Anis AH. Impact of the Recall Period on Measuring Health Utilities for Acute Events. Health Economics. 2008;17(12):1413-9.
- Harrison MJ, Davies LM, Bansback NJ, Ingram M, Anis AH, Symmons DPM. The validity and responsiveness of generic utility measures in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Review. Journal of Rheumatology. 2008;35(4):592-602.
- Bansback N, Harrison M, Brazier J, Davies L, Kopec J, Marra C, Symmons D, Anis A. Health state utility values: a description of their development and application for rheumatic diseases. Arthritis & Rheumatism - Arthritis Care & Research. 2008;59(7):1018-26.
- Bansback NJ, Anis AH, Marra CA. Patient reported outcomes for rheumatoid arthritis: where are we and where are we going? Journal of Rheumatology. 2008;35(8):1482-3.
- Bansback N, Marra CA, Tsuchiya A, Brazier J, Anis A, Hammond A. Using the Health Assessment Questionnaire to estimate preference-based single indices in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Care & Research. 2007;57(6):963-71.
- Bansback N, Murray C, Carlton J, Lewis G, Hughes L, Espallargues M, Brand C, Brazier J. Determinants of health related quality of life and health state utility in patients with age related macular degeneration: the association of contrast sensitivity and visual acuity. Quality of Life Research. 2007;16(3):533-43.
- Espallargues M, Czoski-Murray CJ, Bansback N, Carlton J, Lewis GM, Hughes LA, Brand CS, Brazier JE. The impact of age-related macular degeneration on health state utility values. Investigational Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. 2005;46(11):4016-23.
Shared decision-making
- Nixon RM, Bansback N, Brennan A. Using mixed treatment comparisons and meta-regression to perform indirect comparisons to estimate the efficacy of biologic treatments in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Statistics in Medicine. 2007;26(6):1237–54.
- Nixon R, Bansback N, Brennan A. The Efficacy of Inhibiting Tumor Necrosis Factor α and Interleukin 1 in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: a Meta-Analysis and Adjusted Indirect Comparisons. Rheumatology. 2007;46(7):1140-7.
- Kanters S, Vitoria M, Doherty M, Socias ME, Ford N, Forrest JI, Popoff E, Bansback N, Nsanzimana S, Thorlund K, Mills EJ. Comparative efficacy and safety of first-line antiretroviral therapy for the treatment of HIV infection: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. The Lancet HIV. 2016 Nov 30;3(11):e510-20.
- Kanters S, Ford N, Druyts E, Thorlund K, Mills EJ, Bansback N. Use of network meta-analysis in clinical guidelines. World Health Organization. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2016 Oct 1;94(10):782.
- Mills EJ, Bansback N, Ghement I, Thorlund K, Kelly S, Puhan MA, Wright J. Multiple treatment comparison meta-analyses: a step forward into complexity. Clinical Epidemiology. 2011;3(1):193-202.
- Bansback N, Sizto S, Sun H, Feldman S, Willian MK, Anis A. Efficacy of Systemic Treatments for Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Dermatology. 2009;219(3):209-18.
- Guh DP, Zhang W, Bansback N, Amarsi Z, Birmingham CL, Anis AH. The incidence of co-morbidities related to obesity and overweight: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Public Health. 2009;9:88.
- Nixon RM, Bansback N, Stevens JW, Brennan A, Madan J. Using short-term evidence to predict six-month outcomes in clinical trials of signs and symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis. Pharmaceutical Statistics. 2009;8(2):150-62.
Work productivity
- Allen AJMH, Bansback N, Ayas NT. The Effect of OSA on Work Disability and Work-Related Injuries. CHEST. 2015;147(5):1422-8.
- Zhang W, Bansback N, Sun H, Pedersen R, Kotak S, Anis AH. Estimating the monetary value of the annual productivity gained in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis receiving etanercept plus methotrexate: interim results from the PRIZE study. RMD Open. 2015;1(1):e000042.
- Zhang W, Chiu JA, Bansback N, Anis AH. An Update on the Measurement of Productivity Losses Due to Rheumatoid Diseases. Best Practice & Research in Clinical Rheumatology. 2012;26(5):585-97.
- Zhang W, Bansback N, Severans H, Boonen A, Anis A. Development of a composite questionnaire, the Valuation of Lost Productivity, to value productivity losses: Application in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Value in Health. 2012;15(1):46-54.
- Nikiphorou E, Guh D, Bansback N, Zhang W, Dixey J, Williams P, Young A. Work disability rates in RA. Results from an inception cohort with 24 years follow-up. Rheumatology. 2012;51(2):385-92.
- Zhang W, Bansback N, Kopec J, Anis A. Measuring time input loss among patients with rheumatoid arthritis: validity and reliability of the Valuation of Lost Productivity questionnaire. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2011;53(5):530-6.
- Zhang W, Bansback N, Anis AH. Measuring and valuing productivity loss due to poor health: A critical review. Social Science & Medicine. 2011;72(2):185-92.
- Zhang W, Bansback N, Boonen A, Young A, Singh A, Anis AH. Validity of the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment questionnaire - General Health version in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Research and Therapy. 2010;12(5):R177.
- Zhang W, Bansback N, Guh DP, Li X, Nosyk B, Marra CA, Anis AH. Short-Term Influence of Adalimumab on Work Productivity Outcomes in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Journal of Rheumatalogy. 2008;35(9):1729-36.
- Yazdany J, Bansback N, Clowse M, Collier D, Law K, Liao KP, Michaud K, Morgan EM, Oates JC, Orozco C, Reimold A. Rheumatology Informatics System for Effectiveness: A National Informatics‐Enabled Registry for Quality Improvement. Arthritis Care & Research. 2016;68(12):1866-73.
- Crump T, Wing K, Bansback N, Sutherland JM. Surgical assessment: measuring unobserved health. BMC surgery. 2015:15(1):4.
- Büsch K, Sonnenberg A, Bansback N. Impact of Inflammatory Bowel Disease on Disability. Current Gastroenterology Reports. 2014;16(10):414.
- Lo C, Tsao N, Babich M, Shah K, Bansback N. Decentralized automated dispensing devices: A systematic review of its clinical and economic impact in hospitals. Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 2014;67(2):138-48.
- Mills EJ, Kanters S, Hagopian A, Bansback N, Nachega J, Alberton M, Au-Yeung CG, Mtambo A, Bourgeault IL, Luboga S, Hogg RS, Ford N. The financial cost of doctors emigrating from sub-Saharan Africa: human capital analysis. BMJ. 2011;343:d7031.
- Bansback N, Brennan A, Young A, Dixey J. A prognostic model for functional outcome in early rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology. 2006;33(8):1503-10.