About Me

Hello readers, welcome to my web folio where I will showcase some of my best works! My name is Barton Lui and I am currently a fourth-year Sauder student specializing in Real Estate. I have an interest in mega land development projects like the Oakridge Centre redevelopment plan. I am graduating soon and I am looking forward to joining one of the major development companies here in Vancouver. I am also planning to establish my own real estate investment company that specializes in buying income-producing multi-family properties in Canada.

Prior to attending university, I was a professional athlete. In fact, I put school on hold after finishing grade ten to pursue my dream as a short track speed skater. I was always good at sport and it seemed like I have made the right choice to become a professional athlete. My career as an athlete was sensational and there is nothing I can do to replace those wonderful and devastating but rewarding moments. I reached my dream after I have set foot in the biggest winter sporting events in the world, the Winter Olympic Games. While I was not able to come close to the podium, I cherished every moment on and off the ice leading to this moment. It was an unbelievable journey but just like anything else we experience, will always come to an end. Especially when it comes to a career in an extremely competitive sport. In 2015, I decided to hang my boots, picked up my books and went after another challenge I have set for myself.

“I want to get back to school and gain some knowledge!” I thought to myself. Never have I ever imagine how much struggle I will face at the beginning trying to get back into the classroom. I’m comfortable training for hours but I was not used to studying and reading for a long period of time. I knew I couldn’t give up so I persisted and I try harder. And I have finally got accepted into my dream school (UBC) three years ago to study business and real estate.

Why real estate after skating you may ask. I guess it is because I want to achieve financial freedom so I can continue skating or do other sports whenever I want without worrying about getting to work and money. I also wish to be able to spend time with my family whenever they need me without worrying about losing a source of income if I have to take time off working. Owning a small business in real estate investment will provide me passive income to support myself and therefore, I have set my goal and I am determined to achieve it.

In UBC, I am the President of the Vancouver Housing Market Club where I actively interview industry professionals and educate our club members about the world of real estate. It was fun meeting people and I hope I can continue to contribute to the student’s learning journey. Here is the website to our club.  Click here


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