Course introduction


ENGL 301 is an intensive online technical writing course that focuses on a student’s writing skills that can be translated into business and professional environment. In this course, students will have to discuss and practice writing different types of articles such as abstracts, applications, reports, correspondence and online communications. In this course, students are required to work both independently and collaboratively with other students enrolled in this course. The Instructor, Dr. Erika Paterson, together with other students in the course, will peer review and provide comments on each student’s work. There are four main units within the course and each with specific learning objectives.

  1. Introduction to the course, specific documents, definition and peer reviews
  2. Formal report and proposal writing, networking and resume building and outlines reports
  3. Writing with the right attitude, drafting formal reports, review and reflect
  4. Drafting and completing Major assignments

The course requires the textbook, Technical Communication 15th Edition by John M. Lannon; Laura J. Gurak and Publisher Pearson. Students are also expected to visit the instructor’s weekly blog and keep up with their working progress in regard to the course schedule.

In the course, I hope that I will have plenty of opportunities to practice my technical writing skills because I am not good at writing. With the guidance from the instructor and the information provided in the textbook, I am looking forward to further improve my writing skills that I will be using when I join the working class after I graduate.

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