Unit 2 reflection blog

As more businesses moved online, there is definitely a need for me to have a professional LinkedIn profile to present myself to potential employers. One thing I need to improve in my profile is to find an opportunity to replace the current photo with a professionally taken profile picture. Now that I have a LinkedIn profile being set up, all I need to do in the future is to update it whenever I need to apply for a job or connect with people.

The process of brainstorming and preparing my report proposal and outline was complicated but definitely helped me organized my ideas and thoughts. I am grateful that I spend the time on it and Professor Paterson’s feedback was very helpful for my writing. Thank you!

The peer-review I wrote for Phoebe Wu was about the decrease in enrollment rate of Pott’s Education Studio. I noticed that the statement of problem needed some refinement and I gave her some suggestions on how to improve it.  Overall, she has a good sense of where the report is heading and has some really good solutions including a marketing plan that can potentially solve the problem. When writing the peer review, I learned about how concise and simplicity is always beneficial to the reader. Too many unnecessary words will hinder the understanding of the article. Peer reviewing also forces me to think critically about the issue and whether each part of the proposal makes sense. I am able to learn from this experience and use it to proofread my own work in the future.

Here is the revised version of it. https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2020wa/2020/11/09/barton-lui-assignment-2-3-formal-report-outline/

Link to the peer review: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2020wa/2020/10/19/formal-report-proposal-peer-review/

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