Web Folio Reflection

For the final assignment for the English technical writing course, students are tasked to create a final web folio. In this web folio, I am going to include key information that is required to showcase my work to my potential employer. I have no experience in creating a web folio and this is quite a new experience for me.

In this web folio, i have included my resume, cover letter, reference letter request letter and some of my best works on the website. What is the most challenging task in this task is that I have to highlight my marketable skills that are relevant to my career choice in a logical and creative way. I have done research online searching for examples and photographs for inspiration but I don’t seemed to have the expertize to achieve such sophisticated level of website interface. However, I have tried my best to set up a web folio with the exisiting resources and time I have right now.

In the process of making this web folio, i find that organization of the website is one of the most demanding tasks as there are lots of materials I have to present. It took time but I sorted them out eventually.

In my opinion, I do not think a web folio is that important to me as a business student. A LinkedIn profile has a lot more importance than a web folio because it basically serves a similar purpose to showcase your achievements. Unless I have multiple projects to showcase such as art works or interior designs, I may not need a web portfolio since most job opportunities did not ask for one. Nevertheless, this is a solid learning experience and an important skills to have in my back pocket. I can organize my work and reflect on my personal work and past experience and see if I was lacking anything that I am suppose to have in order to be successful in the job market.

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