final self-assessment reflection

Writing with clarity and preciseness is my biggest weakness. I also do not have a lot of experience in writing in a professional tone. However, things changed after taking this course. One of the most important lessons I have learnt is how to write with the You attitude. I tend to use imperative verbs and I did not even notice how rude and forceful it sound when I write. I hope that I didn’t offend anyone in the past and I think I will be more equipped for the workforce once I graduate soon in June.

Throughout the course, I wrote a few peer reviews where I examined other team members’ work and provided them opinions. Providing feedback is hard for me because at first, I was not able to point out anything particularly meaningful. However, as I looked at the instructor’s blog and observe how other classmates did it, I slowly understand and got better at it in the subsequent peer reviews.

Another thing that I have to mention is the final report. The initial planning phase was tough as i scramble for ideas that I am able to write. I understand that I am not a fast writer but it took me lots of time to get the task done. I should practice more to improve my writing skills. However, once I got the direction of the plan, writing the report was manageable and the course schedule definitely helped me stay on track. This lesson taught me how to write a proper final report for professional use and all the key elements to help support my report. Overall, I have learnt lots of writing skills through reading the textbook and from comments provided by our professor. What a way to end the term with all the courses being taught online.

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