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Lesson 1.3 Definition of Absorption rate

This assignment is a practice for students to explain a relatively complex term into three kinds of definitions: a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition. Audiences with little to no prior knowledge of a particular subject should be able to gain a better understanding after reading these three definitions.


Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report

This assignment is to write a memo to Dr. Erika showing the progress of finishing the formal report draft.  This also includes completing the survey which is required to be approved by the course instructor before I am allowed to send it out.


Complaint Letter and Response Letter

In this assignment, students have to use the “YOU Attitude” to write a letter to provide a complaint and response for a given scenario. The letter I wrote is about giving feedback for a device I have purchase and the battery performance was not optimal. I also wrote a response letter from the employee’s point of view.

Formal Report Research Proposal

Students are required to brainstorm a problem or situation that needs to be improved or modified to yield better results. The reader and audience of this report is someone who has the authority to change and act on the suggestions. A survey was needed to gather responses in regards to the problem that the student is trying to address.

Engl 301 Final Report


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