Unit 3 reflection Reflections Blog

In week three, I have learnt how to write with the “You Attitude” to Evan Crisp. This type of communication works best in professional settings and the focus is to avoid using pronouns and imperative verbs when providing feedback. I have this problem of writing with imperative verbs and I finally understand why it is not suitable because it makes my writing sound too assertive.

The research process is very interesting, I have asked my friends and family who live in Vancouver about their transportation habits and how they approach the topic of sustainable living.  It was challenging for me to draw a conclusion for my report because i was not able to gather a large enough sample size to give me a definite answer for writing my report.

I did the review on Phoebe’s formal report and I found out that her report has a lot of graphs and the process was very clear to understand. I enjoyed her writing style which is very descriptive. Some points might need more elaboration but I think I can learn from her report.

This week was very busy and it seems like there will be three assignments due for this course next week. I am quite worried that i might be able to finish it on time. Anyway, i have learnt a lot from this unit and looking forward to the next unit.

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