The biggest cloud hanging over the solar industry, the high cost of panels, is finally lifting

Solar panel, roof that can absorb sun energy, has been invented these few years. It is an environmental friendly and green product that can save, protect the world. The cost to produce it is high, which is the reason for its expensive sales. Because of the high price, an issue has been created: not many consumers are willing to purchase it.

However, the issue of solar industry seems to slowly disappear.  Consumers start to realize that solar panels can save their money in long term. “In all, he pays $60 to $100 a month for power; he used to pay $90 to $120,” according to customer Johnson. Consumers’ behaviors can be affected socially and globally, which means that more people will buy solar panels.

The spending of solar panels will slowly be recovered by how much money that is saved in the future and this is the strategy of the solar industry. It considers the long term effect to the customers.

Long term investment



10 benefits of Solar Energy (5th point is what’s included in my paragraphs)

What affects solar panel costs

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Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is the co-founder and former chief executive of Apple Inc., the technology company. He died at an age of 56 on October 5, 2011.

Steve Jobs has fought for cancer for the past few years. He wants to leave Apple Inc. because of his illness; however, the economy of the company doesn’t do well after he takes a break. “The world is immeasurably better because of Steve,” the company said. Therefore, he steps down from a CEO to a chief executive to indicate his passion towards Apple Inc. Writing programs is one of the reasons that cause his illness. Excess of working finally leads to Steve Jobs’ death.

Steve Jobs is someone who should be remembered. His brilliant creations and business thinking change the world. BTM, business technology management, is something he does well. For example, he writes various programs on Iphone to interest consumers. Steve Jobs is improving the business innovation. He not only writes programs but also knows how to keep and attract more consumers for his products. Hence, Steve Jobs should be proud of what he has done.

    3 apples change the world.



Steve Jobs time line

Steve Job’s speech

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RIM denies its discontinuance for PlayBook tablet

RIM’s PlayBook tablet becomes less popular. RIM’s staff reduces and it sells a lot less products, less than half of what was expected. Large electronic retailers Future Shop and Best Buy both lower 150 dollars for RIM’s PlayBook sales.

RIM, Research In Motion, is the company that makes BlackBerry. One of the major competitors for RIM’s PlayBook is Apple’s iphone. Iphone has many applications and programs, which are some of its advantages in the market.

People start to suspect RIM’s discontinuance for PlayBook tablet, but it denies this point. No matter it’s true that RIM will stop the tablet or not, RIM might be looking at a new way of selling its products because of the danger of price war. Different prices can affect the market differently. Close prices make products substitutes, which customers consider the practicability. Same product of prices that are not as close can make consumers enter the cheaper market. For example, Lieber loses some customers when Vancouver Lights lowers its price. Therefore, it might be helpful for RIM’s market if it creates a new product rather than keep on selling the PlayBooks.



Know more about Price War

RIM Defends PlayBook Tablet Against Critics
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Tim Hortons eyes 120 stores across Arab Gulf States

Tim Hortons is the biggest Canadian restaurant chain and is the fourth largest in North America. It is famous with its coffee and doughnut. Recently, Tim Hortons plans to open 120 stores in Arab Gulf States to expand its marketplace around the world. “We have got some smaller self-serve operation in Ireland but this is what I believe is our first true export of the brand.” CEO Paul House said at the time. Tim Hortons has already expanded into other countries, but it claims that it will be the first time it really tries to expand the brand.Tim Hortons is trying to use low cost to enter the market in Arab Gulf States. The reason for it to plan on running that many stores might be to minimize its cost by purchasing a large amount of products. It pays less when buying more. By doing so, profit will increase. Another way to compete with other brands can be using Points of Difference to reveal its relevance, distinctiveness or believability to the consumers. Competitors like Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks are also in Arab Gulf States. Therefore, Points of Difference is what Tim Hortons should consider.



Tim Hortons in Dubai

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