Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is the co-founder and former chief executive of Apple Inc., the technology company. He died at an age of 56 on October 5, 2011.

Steve Jobs has fought for cancer for the past few years. He wants to leave Apple Inc. because of his illness; however, the economy of the company doesn’t do well after he takes a break. “The world is immeasurably better because of Steve,” the company said. Therefore, he steps down from a CEO to a chief executive to indicate his passion towards Apple Inc. Writing programs is one of the reasons that cause his illness. Excess of working finally leads to Steve Jobs’ death.

Steve Jobs is someone who should be remembered. His brilliant creations and business thinking change the world. BTM, business technology management, is something he does well. For example, he writes various programs on Iphone to interest consumers. Steve Jobs is improving the business innovation. He not only writes programs but also knows how to keep and attract more consumers for his products. Hence, Steve Jobs should be proud of what he has done.

    3 apples change the world.



Steve Jobs time line

Steve Job’s speech

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