RIM’s PlayBook tablet becomes less popular. RIM’s staff reduces and it sells a lot less products, less than half of what was expected. Large electronic retailers Future Shop and Best Buy both lower 150 dollars for RIM’s PlayBook sales.
RIM, Research In Motion, is the company that makes BlackBerry. One of the major competitors for RIM’s PlayBook is Apple’s iphone. Iphone has many applications and programs, which are some of its advantages in the market.
People start to suspect RIM’s discontinuance for PlayBook tablet, but it denies this point. No matter it’s true that RIM will stop the tablet or not, RIM might be looking at a new way of selling its products because of the danger of price war. Different prices can affect the market differently. Close prices make products substitutes, which customers consider the practicability. Same product of prices that are not as close can make consumers enter the cheaper market. For example, Lieber loses some customers when Vancouver Lights lowers its price. Therefore, it might be helpful for RIM’s market if it creates a new product rather than keep on selling the PlayBooks.