The electric car

After a week of inactivity, I’m back with more sustainable initiatives!

This post is about the great advantages of owning an electric car over the traditional gasoline or diesel vehicles.

Automotive companies are heavily investing in achieving high-performance electric cars having Tesla as their referent market leader. Tesla targets a segment of the market that has high-income rates, are environmentally friendly and are interested in new technologies.

Not all electric cars are as expensive as a Tesla, as I said Tesla is the market leader being able to charge a high price for their cars due to the willingness of customers to pay high prices for exclusivity. Japanese cars have been developing electric cars for several years, achieving better results in aspects of the use of energy, achieving larger autonomy.

It is true that electric cars have a higher selling price than combustion engine cars. However, in the long term driving an electric has many advantages for car users:

-Reduces CO2 emissions and carbon footprint.

-Electricity is cheaper than petrol.

In regions like Catalonia for example, there are many tolls roads and to park in the city all the places have to pay for the minute, adding up to big quantities for every hour. Why am I saying this? Related to a previous blog post, many initiatives are been created in Spain to regulate the use of gas-powered vehicles. By owning an electric car, toll prices are reduced by 30% providing a significant money safe at the end of the year.

Additionally, electric cars don’t pay any parking fees when parking in Blue and Green zone (paying parking zones) which represents a great safe of money.

To finish, when a car is bought, there are two taxes associated to the transaction: circulation tax and license plate tax. Electric cars owners save up to 75% of the circulation tax and are exempt from paying the license plate tax. Adding up all the savings, maybe it is that of a bad option to buy an electric car, isn’t it?


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