Re: Corporations’ New Groove – “Social” Collaboration

According to UBC Blogger, Iris Zhou, companies are resorting to the use of social media as a means of communication. Of course, thinking about it from a logical point of view, social media spreads information. Fast.

For example, the uprising in Egypt has been coordinated on Facebook and various forms of advertising are also located on Facebook. After Marc Benioff,’s CEO, discovered the importance of social media to corporations, he warned executives that “they would face a ‘Corporate Spring‘” unless the implement the social revolution that is presently occurring. He proposed that the companies either have to make their companies social, or the company itself will be disposed.

However, Tom Austin, Gartner’s collaboration expert, created a law that basically stated that instead of having the social collaboration tools disrupt the hierarchical organizational structures, the structures itself will prevent the power of the social tools from growing.

There are two sides of the argument, and they both make valid points. Which do you think portrays companies and social media the best?



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