Netflix “Pep Talk” Commercial

This is a post in reference to Neil Mannings post about a great commercial done by Netflix. Neil mentions the great effect the commercial had on him, after all he is a hockey player and been in a similar situation before. Although I have never played, which I know is like a cardinal sin to canadians, or experienced a locker room pep talk I still see the humor and effectiveness of the commercial.

Locker Room Pep Talk

To answer his question whether this commercial would have been as effective in other countries, I would reply yes. Although not all countries are as big of hockey fans like us Canadians, I think the sports culture is prevalent in the countries that Netflix is available. One should not focus purely on the fact that it is a hockey dressing room, but more the fact that all people in sports, watch iconic sports movies, and remember iconic pep talks from those movies.

We Are Marshall Pep Talk

For example, the scene could have had the same script but had the players be football, soccer, or basketball players and the humor and effectiveness found in the commercial would still be prevalent to Canadians or anyone else in other countries.

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